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Food trends 2018

By Food Trend & Inspiration

Studio Bordewijk has defined more than 25 food trends for 2018, that will influence our shopping, cooking and eating behavior in the coming years. We will share five of them in this blog.

Food trend 1 #Botanical dining

We already wrote elaborately about the plant based kitchen and vegan trends.  The vegan/vegetarian trend will continue and is definitely ‘ to stay ‘ over the next few years. In 2018 we put it back in the limelight as ‘ Botanical dining ‘.  This term places the richness of the vegetable kitchen central. It’s not only about vegetables but emphasizes the large variety of algae, fruits, flowers, mosses, mushrooms, herbs and spices that the edible flora brings us.


Foodtrend 2018 High tech nature and Algebra, algae cooking oil of the brand Thrive

Food trend 2 #High tech nature

In recent years naturalness was hot. Having everyone its own definition for it. From organic, lots of vegetables, without E-numbers or cooking without packs and pouches. Producers anticipated on this idea by telling about the growth or production method of the food product. Often a photo of the grower was proudly presented on packaging. But with an ever growing population on this earth we might need to take some distance from this romantic idea.  There is more and more smart technology that makes it possible to help nature and produce our food in a more planet friendly way. This is what we call ‘ high tech nature ‘ and is about the smart cultivation of fruit and vegetable crops with sophisticated led light recipes and without soil. So called ‘precision agriculture’ makes it possible to look to individual plant health resulting in a decreased use of pesticides or fertilizers. More farms will generate their own energy and packaging packing material form agricultural waste.

The Netherlands is seen as a frontrunner in these developments, with the University of Wageningen at the centre of our food valley.

Food trend 3 #Algaebra

We already heard a lot about seaweed, but algae are also an interesting food source in future. In San Francisco, the company Thrive wins oil from algae and turns it into a new cooking oil, which can be used instead of butter or margarine. It is particularly rich in omega 3 fatty acids, has a high burning temperature and needs far less areal than palm or olive oil. So that makes it a typically example of a high tech nature product.


Foodtrend 2018 Veggies everywhere, drinkable gazpacho soup of the brand Züpa.

Food trend 4 #Veggies everywhere

The realization that we need to eat more vegetables is growing. The Dutch Nutrition Centre has increased the recommended amount of 150 grams vegetables to 250 grams a day. That means that we will have to eat veggies all day, not only during dinner time. From Breakfast to lunch and from in-between nibble to late light snack.

Producers are responding to this insight with products that incorporate veggies in a smart way. Seeing a growing range of veggie product like red beet pasta, cauliflower pizza, carrot wraps and brownie zuchini mixes. The amount of carbohydrates and calories is reduced and the amount of fiber and vitamins increased. So did the prize winning Boboli Veggie Focaccia recently.

We are also going to drink more and more vegetables. In America, the shelves were already full of Gazpacho’s this summer. Inspired by the classic Spanish tomato soup but now extended to a shelf with all colours of the rainbow. From a green avocado-cucumber-gazpacho to a purple beet-root-gazpacho.

Vegetables are also increasingly used as a flavour variant. Like yoghurt with carrot or pumpkin pulp. There are even chocolate bars with broccoli and tomato. But that is perhaps a step too far.

Foodtend 2018 Over the topped, insta food by vegan teenager José (

Food trend 5 #Over the topped

Instagram has created a whole new kind of food. Normal food looks boring. And that is why the social medium is full of three double topped ice cream, six layered sandwiches, carbon black smoothies, rainbow frapuccino’s. As long as it’s photogenic, it will generate likes and followers. Vegan teeanger naturally Jo knows that all too well. His pastel-colored food creations have more than 500,000 fans. And that for a 16-year-old! Take a look at:

More and more restaurant are designing their food in a way, that is worth sharing on social media. A powerful marketing tool to attract new guests to their place.

Curious about the whole story and all food trends for 2018? Consider a trendconsult. Do you have innovation plans? … Please do not hesitate to contact food designer and trend watcher Marielle Bordewijk. She tells you all about the newly developed innovation method FoodbyDesign.
















Food by design – innovation method

By Food Trend & Inspiration

Since the beginning of 2017 designer and marketeer Marleen Zaalberg joined forces with Marielle Bordewijk. Together they created the fresh an powerful Food by Design method.

We use design thinking to help food and drink brands unlock their full creative potential. Our innovation methodology combines a tried and tested strategic framework with multi-sensory creative techniques to bring your imagination to life, fast.

Basically, we love food and drink. We understand everything about it: flavour, nutrition, agriculture, and production. We stay up to date with the latest food trends. Our innovation process uses these ingredients to generate inspiration and insights that we can develop into delicious new stories, concepts and products.

We don’t do pie-in-the-sky daydreams. Our multi-sensory creative process delivers real products that you can see, feel and taste. We start with a blank sheet of paper and work with you towards an end result that makes sense strategically, and tastes great. Together we’ll make something that we’re all proud of – and consumers will love.

We combine our marketing knowledge and design experience to create breakthrough innovation. We applied our method already successfully for companies in cheese, fruit and vegetable, bread and retail.

We can now offer you a total innovation service from trend, strategy, concept development  to realization. We are looking forward to make your food company future proof!

Please contact Marielle or Marleen for more information.

foodtrends 2017

By Food Trend & Inspiration

Wat will we eat and drink in 2017? What are the food trends 2017? Food trendwatcher Marielle Bordewijk share 5 remarkable trends to come in 2017.


Protein rich food in 2017

food trend 1 #The hunt for proteins

After the ban on fats and carbs, we prefer to focus on that one ‘good’ macro nutrient; proteins. This trend is already her for some tim, but will be more dominant in 2017. More and more products appear with high levels of proteins like egg wraps, protein bars, dairy products, double egg white omelets, pasta from lentils and even crisps made of soybean flour. For the vegan consumer there is special interest in plant based proteins, as vegan food is still an important trend for 2017.

food trend 2 #The new Down to earth

After all the extremities in healthy food, preached by food bloggers, there is a growing need for a more down to earth approach to healthy food. Bread, eggs and dairy are okay again, while superfoods like inca berries, hennep smoothies and kale smoothies will have a harder time to retain there popularity.


Pulled Duck form ‘Duck it’ is very popular in Copenhagen

food trend 3 #Pulled everything

2015 was the year of puled pork. But in 2017 we will not restrict us to pork alone. We will see pulled salmon, pulled mushrooms and pulled duck. At Copenhagen Streetfood, one of the best visited food caterers is ‘Duck it’ who serves succulent pulled duck, served on a brioche or with vinegar chips.

food trend 4 #Sour

Was bitter the hot flavor of the last couple of years. In 2017 the attention will shift in favor of sour. Sour is also the title of a new book of famous, Dutch chef Bos Robben. His book is full of sour recipes like Peruvian ceviche, ponzu sauce, sour croquettes and fermenting. So maybe, after this year of sourness, we Dutch may finally cope with the vinegar crips of the English.

transformational food design - De marshmallow bloem komt tot bloei in de warme chocolademelk

transformational food design

food trend 5 #Transformational food design

Dominique Ansel, the famous patissier in New York, became very well known with his hybrid food design the croughnut. Now he has a new invention, a marshmellow flower that blossoms in hot chocolate. The flower is pulled together with a white chocolate ring, the ring melts in the hot drinks and it opens and unveils it’s beauty in your cup. Surely more chefs and patissiers will be inspired by the idea of transformational food design.

Hungry for more food trends 2017? Consider a trend consult with Marielle Bordewijk and she will focus om the trends most relevant for your food business.

Stay in contact with Marielle Bordewijk

Food designer Marielle Bordewijk designs and develops products, concepts and brands in food. For big and small food companies in production, retail and food service.